
You are most well known as a number—20,310 feet. You are alone at the top of North America. You are a record holder: at 18,000 feet from base to peak, you are the tallest mountain in the world. You have always been Denali. You were named by the Athabaskan people…

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Becoming a BLMR — Part 2

Day 3 – “Sore today, stronger tomorrow.” I had my consult with a trainer from the Wellness Center to set up a basic weight lifting program. Given: the options are limitless. There are free weights, cable and tower systems, stretchy bands, kettlebells, medicine balls, bosus, stability balls, etc. For the…

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This is the title we’ve been given for this page. It’s not very alluring as titles go. Perhaps we should change it to something more fun, informative or descriptive. We’re writers after all. And we must always be writing in order to make sense of and bring order to our…

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